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2Quick said:
Wright said:

My #49 hint: The sequel of a post-apocaliptic FPS that supposedly stole assets from another post-apocaliptic FPS.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.? one of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?

Mr_No said:

I'm a bad guesser, but I'm still gonna say War Z or Fallout: New Vegas. But I don't think the latter stole assets from another game, except its predecessor.

Teeqoz said:

Fallout stole from Metro, or Metro stole from Fallout.

Those are the only post-apocalyptic FPS's I know, so I'm guessing it's one of them. Fallout 3?


Nope, nope, and nope!


Fusioncode said:

Metro Last Light?


We've got a winner!



Metro: Last Light (Xbox 360/Xbox One/Ps3/PS4/PC)

Guessed by Fusioncode


When the market couldn't get more crowded with run-of-the-mill shooters, developer 4A games choose to adapt a russian sci-fi novel book by the name of Metro, which led to the creation of the FPS Metro:2033 (Which, unfortunately, won't make my list). Few years later, and under terrible conditions, 4A games then made the sequel, (which also goes on the lines with the original novel's sequel).

Unlike other shooters, Last Light never tries to be "cinematic", nor "filmic"; but it has one of the best atmospheres ever conceived: this post-apocaliptic Russia is a joy to watch, even if the sad feeling of vanishing mankind is present throughout it. The gameplay is ferocious, intense, and in some ways unique (Just one of the examples I can think of, there's a pneumatic gun whose reload animation consists on the player adding pressure to it: the more pressure you give, the more damage the gun deals. Shoot too many times, the gun loses pressure.). And, if it wasn't enough, the game also features a touching plot (which never gets into the way of gameplay; it is done in a very fine, game-y way) regarding forgiveness and sacrifice. This is, without a doubt, one of the best first-person shooters out there, and that's why it gets a dear place in my Top 50 games lists.