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#14 GunfighterPhilips G7000, 1979

US name: Showdown in 2100 A.D., Magnavox Odyssey2, 1979

Look at those graphics. 

In Europe, we were all thinking we were a cowboy, but with graphics this primitive Americans thought they were supposed to play as a robotic cyborg shooting lazers sometime in the future because that's what the boxart made them believe. In reality, what mattered is that you and your friend were just trying to shoot each other until one of you won. Each player got six bullets to shoot and each turn the 'trees' change position. The trees are not only obstacles, but reflect your bullet back. It is therefore possible to kill yourself, which counts as a point for the other player. The simplicity and innocence of such an old game along with the smooth controller of the G7000 (much better than competitor Atari 2600's), this makes for one of the most fun and intense local multiplayer shooters ever.

Naturally, I wouldn't objectively call this the '#50 Best Game Ever Made' anymore, but this game has special meaning to me. The game is nine years older than I am, but because my mother introduced me to gaming at a very young age with her own G7000 system she kept for a decade, this game may very well be the first game I ever played. Sadly I'm not sure anymore, because there are a few other contenders still. I think everyone should introduce their children to primitive games such as this. Even as a child, the art and appeal of gaming, you immediately 'get it'.