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ITT: People who are hastily responding to a misleading headline and not actually reading the article.

Seriously guys, read the actual article. He doesn't say what's in that headline at all, and the author of that article should be massively reprimanded for his terrible headline.

With that out of the way, I do agree with him to the extent that many AAA games are trying too hard to be like films when it comes to storytelling. Games can tell stories in ways that films cannot, and that's by allowing the player to interact with the world. However, most modern games make users experience their stories in ways that are much like films, so in those moments you are more of a passive participant and less of an active one. There are ways to tell a story without completely ripping the user away from the experience as well as ways to not just simply "feed" the user a story. Games like Journey and Kid Icarus: Uprising are good examples of the former, while games like Metroid Prime and The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask are good examples of the latter.

NNID: TheCCluc