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Ok now it is a decent commercial, don't get me wrong.  But only if it is one of several.  And only if it was being used on certain channels.  And oh yeah, only if it was For MARIO KART NOT A CONSOLE. 

Nintendo is missing out on the majority of the gaming demographic and limiting their appeal. They need GAME FOCUSED commercials. Nintendo, just copy the PS4. Or better yet, copy YOURSELF from 1997. Or from 2006. These commercials do. not. work. And whoever keeps telling them that they do needs to get fired.

And focusing on ONE GAME is stupid.  Consoles are an investment, you have to show its value as an investment and one game just does not do it.  Take your "games of past, present, and future" vid, pick the best highlights, condense it to a sizzle reel, and make that your commercial.  That would be better than THIS.