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pokoko said:

Nintendo's arrogance amazes me. They look around at all these people who are fucking ENJOYING THEMSELVES playing other types of games and they act like somehow everyone is doing it wrong. It's not wrong if they're having fun, Nintendo. It's just you who are narrow-minded. I'm really starting to dislike Nintendo; not because of their games but because of their attitude.

See this is why Miyamoto should keep his opinion to himself. Although I enjoy Nintendo games that have very little narrative, I understand that other people enjoy games that focus much more on narrative as well as gameplay. 

Even if Miyamoto is being honest in that interview, he should understand that he's a top Nintendo developer and what he says could reflect all of Nintendo's development staff. Even those that don't necessarily agree with him (Intelligent System and Monolith Soft to name a few) will be judged by this statement.

I also understand that this may not be a big deal since all of this probably PR. But as a Nintendo fan, I wish Miyamoto would stop being so honest or blunt and have a little bit of courtesy for the competition.

Edit (to those who think the thread title is misleading or there is a lack of context): I do think the thread title is misleading but I read the entire article and it doesn't justify how Miyamoto labeled other people's game as "boring."