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Of course his comment makes sense. The point of games is to be an interactive form of art and media. If the game does the story REALLY well (Last of Us), then we can be more lenient on it.

Games like Halo, Metroid, Infamous, Fire Emblem, Sunset Overdrive, GTA, and the Darksoul series are so well known and loved because they can draw people in with fantastic visuals and gameplay, while also providing an interesting story in the background. It blends them perfectly.

Compared to games like Call of Duty, Mario, Battlefield, and slowly Assassin's Creed. These games are beginning to focus more on visuals or cinematic experiences that they lose out on the gameplay side (COD becoming repetitive, Mario more or less staying the same, AC losing framerates left and right.)

I <3 Classic Platformers!

Multi-console Owner FTW