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I don't play multiplayer and own only PS4, so I never bothered renewing when it ran out because it was not worth my money.
Free games are not free, now that they are two per month they come out to about $2 per game...
Nit much, but considering I don't care for most of them, to the point that I wouldn't buy them now if they cost $2, it comes out to much much more...
In the end, I have to hope I like 5 of those games per year, which comes out to $10 per game, and most of them cost that much...
So I can just save mh money and buy games I'm interested in, instead of paying in advance for a cat in a sack...

The earliest I see myself subscribing again is Tom Clancy's The Division, but I fear that it is still years away, and that it will disappoint like Destiny...