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Nobody seems to talk about this, so I thought I'd bring this to the table. Not terribly exciting, but nonetheless, here goes.


Above are the three models. I rank them as follows: 1. PS3 fat. 2. PS3 super slim. 3. PS3 slim.

The fat model is big, but a beauty. It is very shiny, it spells out Playstation 3, and the Playstation logo is colorful as it always was before. The shiny chrome is an eye catcher too. The super slim is a combination of matte and shiny finish. It has a grill line design on top, which I find appealing. However, the PS logo is a dull grey, and it looks a bit cheap. Last is the slim design. It has a matte and dull finish. There is little to shine here. The PS logo is grey, and there is no special design like the grill look. Besides the PS3 engraved on top, it is plain as can be. It is also the longest from front to back--though thinner from top to bottom--making for a lot of plain space. It is not a fingerprint magnet and gets the job done, but ugly. Unfortunately, I have the slim myself. Great system, I'm glad to have it, but ugly.

What are your opinions and favorites guys? Leave some comments below. Thanks for reading.
