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NoirSon said:
Don't know if FFXIII will ever be vindicated as one of the best of its franchise like Wind Waker ultimately has once people got over the looks of it. Also Dragon Quest excluding the most recent MMORPG usually outsell FF in Japan.

But I do agree, as successful as the Xenoblade franchise may eventually get, it is unlikely to ever touch FF despite the drop off in recent games. Nintendo will probably keep it around if X does as well if not better then the first one but much like most Nintendo IPs (Metriod, Fire Emblem, Star Fox, etc), if you aren't falling under the brand of Mario, Zelda, Pokemon or Kirby, you will only get games that Nintendo developers want to do and it will not be a priority to release.

Hercales (Glory of Hercales) , Starfy (Legend of Starfy), Mike Jones (Star Tropics), Kyle Hyde (Hotel Dusk) and Ashley Robbins (Another Code/Trace Memory), you all are missed.

I doubt it. The difference is that their was still all the content in Windwaker while XIII was just a shallow FF experience as a whole. You didn't interact with the World or people in it in XIII, you didn't manage your party until the absolute VERY end, the shops and upgrade systems were pretty much useless (because by the time you maxed upgraded one weapon it was pretty much the end of the game. Hell I beat the game with a LOT of the characters default weapons and never upgraded once). Transforming summons were pointless as you didn't get to control them, you never got an airship, level system was bare and never gave any real benifit to classes that complimented the characters natural ability. No, XIII was a disaster and always will be.