Hi folks,
I'm a 25 years old gamer from Frankonia (Germany). I've been following VGC recently, though it took some time for me to register here and take apart. I started gaming with Zelda III and since then only owned Nintendo consoles (I'm a fucking minority here). Currently owing a Wii U - and being happy with it.
Besides I'm also developing stuff on my Debian GNU/Linux box. For example the Sawfish WindowManager which project maintanance I overtook 2007. And I'm also active in the Wii-Homebrew scene (and when I say homebrew, I mean homebrew, not piracy, I own every game I play).
Besides I annoy the people around me by being a grammar-nazi and throwing knowledge at them (either at work from face to face, or via twitter with stuff like "ZEIT Wissen", "BildBlog", "Science Porn" or "NASA").
I like zynism, sarcasm and irony and make heavy use of it. So some will put me on the troll-shelf because they have their zynism/sarcasm/irony-detectors off. But I will survive. You know like "Der Zynismus ist mein Schwert, der Sarkasmus meine Rüstung und die Ironie mein Schild" ("Zynism is my sword, sarcasm my armor and irony my shield").
NNID: setialpha