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During the call, a question was put forward to Jen-Hsun on how Nvidia’s cycle (the green half of the PC Gaming Duopoly) compares to the console’s, and what the CEO replied with was interesting, although expected.

But my sense is that the game console platform is not likely to enjoy the hay days when it was really unambiguously the only and the best game platform to enjoy games. It’s just not true anymore. There are just too many other ways to enjoy games. – Jen-Hsung

The PC has become the world’s largest game platform. China, the developing countries around the world, PC is a piece of platform they already own. They can upgrade it two, three, four times without having to change the basic platform. So the total of cost of ownership of a game PC is quite attractive. – Jen-Hsung

And so I think that there’s too many other ways to enjoy games now, for the game console to enjoy the hay days of the past. But we’ll see. The thing that I do know is this, without any question is that the PC is continuing to expand the number of titles. Great titles are coming to the PC. It’s is continuing to grow and the quality of titles is growing up ever so fast. – Jen-Hsung


#Nvidia: PC is the largest platform, golden period of consoles over. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54