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CosmicSex said:
bigtakilla said:
CosmicSex said:

I am a PSfan. I played Xenogears and Xenosaga and will eventually get a WiiU to play XCX.  In fact it is the single reason I want a Wii U.  If I had my choice though I would take Xenosaga on the PS4.  I know I am not the only PlayStation 4 owner who liked Xenosaga.  

So your assumption that PS4 owners don't care about Xenosaga becasue Xblade is on the WiiU is false. It doesn't erase my memories of playing on PS1/PS2

I'm a Nintendo fan and I've played Xenogears and Xenosaga. Facts are that most people who really want Xeno games are going to get a Wii U to play Xenoblade X ( which can also play Xenoblade Chronicles thanks to backwards compatibility, yourself included), but I wouldn't buy a PS4 for an HD version of Xenosaga. As a LOT of people have said, they are not going to buy a console for one game (or a trilogy, whatever), especially a remaster of a game people already played. There isn't a loyal Xeno army on the Playstation, and brand interest lies with Nintendo.

What I am assuming is PS4 owners don't care about Xenosaga because PS2 owners didn't care about Xenosaga, and there were a LOOOOOOOOOOOOT more. That's facts.

I am not talking about everyone I am talking about myself.  I exsist damn you for not acknowledging my existence or my right to want exactly what I said I wanted or the possibility that I may not be the only one.  I never said people would buy PS4 just for Xenosaga.  I said I want it on PS4 and that I want a WiiU just for XCX.  Thats right, I would by the Wii U for that single game.  

But it isn't about what you want it's about what would be the best move for the trilogy, and it would in no way effect you if it came to Wii U because you are getting one.  Also getting a Wii U would allow to play Xenoblade Chronicles, so there are two NEW Xeno games for you to enjoy. I would probably buy a Playstation for a NEW Xeno experience, but not a remake.