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OK off the top of my head.

The Last of Us Remastered. On the PS3 I played it on normal and that was it. Barely touched the online.

On the PS4 I completed it on survival and survival +. What an experience! Then i complete the 2 online journeys. Loved it to bits on the ps4.

Heavy rain was good the first time but some characters died like norman jayden at the bull dozer scene so i missed out on some cool levels and endings. For that reason alone it was better second time plus i knew who the killer was so when i played the earlier levels i was like no way i never seen this coming at all first time i played it.

Infamous 2. Went back to get the platinum recently and it was better than i thought it was the first time.

worse would be hogs of war. loved it to bits on the ps1 but the controls are too clucnky now and the graphics are meh!!

gta 4 i played recently and the graphics are just so bad. takes away from the experience after playing gta 5. hopefully gta 5 will be better when i play it again on the ps4.