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Update #5 - To clarify for some people. Also, winner is choosen and annouced tonight.

If you watched the giveaway video on my channel I explain. Basically, I bought my bro a ps4 and ps4 skin for christmas, but then his girlfriend bought him a ps4 for his bday. So I was gonna keep the extra ps4 for myself for another room in the house, but decided it would be awesome to do a giveaway for our new channel. Do instead of a $10 gift card to somewhere, we give away a ps4, that would make someone really happy before the holidays. We wanted a subscriber level easily reached with this kind of offer so we could do it before the holidays.

Also, Im pretty sure a lot of you complain about such a great offer for having to do nothing but watch youtube videos. The channel is for fun and most of our future videos will have commentary, but we use the channel to post whatever we want for us. We will have a ton of different games going up soon since there are a few of us in the clan and we all play different games.

We were also planning on doing another PS4 giveaway at a higher subscribe or viewing level, and announce it tonight. We all liked how well the first giveaway has gone and thought we should all chip in this time and do 1 more big giveaway for the holidays.

So, either participate or don't, thats on you. It costs you nothing, and at the very least our channel has videos of us playing and talkign about video games. So, enjoy them or dont worry about it.

Update #4 -

Thanks everyone, we hit 100 subscribers on YouTube.

We hope everyone has been enjoying our videos. We already have had a few people interested in joining our clan and channel. 

So the team will be getting together on 11/11 in the afternoon to pick the winner. Again, completely random, commenting or liking videos does not help your chances. We will take all the subs channel names and copy them into an excel file. Then we are having my wife pick a name at random (since she will only be able to see the channel names and nothing else).

Then we will PM the winner and make an update on this post with the winner. We will then ship the PS4 to the winner and ask the winner, once they recieve the PS4 to please take a video of them with it and upload it to their channel.

We want people to be excited to see the winner and to be excited about future giveaways. We will then link to that video for you all to see.

We have already been talking and since this post gave us a lot of new friends, we wanted to do another PS4 giveaway. This time with an un-opened PS4. We will post soon on how to win. Christmas time is coming! Or holidays depending on what you believe.

Update #3 -

The PS4 to be given away, plus a little more explaination on the contest:

Ember22's custom skin PS4 - Mirror's Edge all the way:


Update #2 -

So basically we are almost half way to our goal already... once we hit 100 subs and we see that some people have watched the videos then we will pick our winner. We dont want people just to sub and not watch anything because the content is good and we even have other games we ar putting up later today. Some videos will have commentary and some wont.

We will pick the winner at random and the only subs that are on our channel that are people we know are the first 4 subs. So that way you guys know it is a new sub that wins.

I'll be recording a short video explaining the giveaway in a little more detail later. We also have another giveaway planned since we have had such a great response. I'll discuss that a little more in my upcoming video too.

Update #1 -

**I already see comments being a little harsh, and assuming there is no prize. That is fine, just move on. We want people that just love games to view the channel anyways. We just started the channel 1 week ago, already have 22 videos. Takes time to upload all that we have. We already have footage recorded of a bunch of other games. We prepared before we started the channel. Either way, sub or dont, its your choice. If you want the chance than good, otherwise just please move on**

For The Gamers is a newly formed channel and clan. We already have a bunch of videos and are posting more every day. A wide variety of games are come soon too.

Once we hit 100 subs we will be giving away a free PS4.

List of games covered currently: COD: AW, BF4, Far Cry 4, Assassins Creed Unity, GTA V, Final Fantasy Series, Driveclub, bunch of Nintendo games, and more.

Our channel links - please subscribe, more coming every day and we take suggestions. Again, at 100 subs, free PS4 giveaway.

  1. Main channel -
  2. Tips and tricks -
  3. COD: AW gameplay -
  4. BF4 Awesome knifing -
  5. COD: AW multiplayer walkthrough -

Thanks again everyone. I hope some of you subscribe and I hope some want to join our clan and channel to upload and share the games you like!

Lets get ready to give away a PS4!

For The Gamers [FTG]


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