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Not all people ask "how are you" just like they are saying hello in another way.
It's true that it's something we used to do and sometimes it does come out as a "hello", but we shouldn't read too much into it.

"How are you" is normally an introduction to a conversation and the important questions come later during the conversation.
And even if the conversation in no more than a "how are you" it doesn't mean we aren't concerned, it might be the case that when we talk or look at said person we don't really see anything that tells us that something bad is going on.

Other times it doesn't even cross our minds to take the conversation with a little more serious.

It's great that you can open up to people, but it's hard to do it when you don't really know the person in front of you.
Opening up is something that can take it's time and sometimes people are so ashamed of what they did or how many times they done it, that it's painful to talk about it. And the contexto of the conversation might not even be the most encouraging to share something deep.

We all have better days and worse days, but you need to remembre not to lay down your arms.
Praying is a very important part, but you need to know what you are praying for and what "side" of Jesus/God/Holy Spirit you have in your heart when you pray or live your daily life.

Taking time to read the bible or messages that Jesus or Mary have talked about in apparitions is a good way to better know God.

Go to church, confess and take the host. But more importantly, think about why those things are important before and when you do them.

If you want some books about apparitions i can give you a few. They delved into the message of God in the Bible.