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Blob said:
jlmurph2 said:
I wonder who's alt this is

One who seems to think games cost 1.5million to develop...... can we just ignore him, it's making the rest of us look bad and you're never going to change his mind.

Although I will say exclusivity can sometimes be a boon for a titles sales, as sometimes a title being exclusive can make it more interesting to that console owner. Multiplat doesnt necesarily = more sales/profit every time.

Come on. take a look at Kotaku where is an article showing of the development costs of titles for the last 20 years.

AAA title - from 10 mio US$ up. 

But there are indies which have only budgets of 1.5 mio or less.


Now think of a BIG third party using already build assets (character models, animations, setting, parts of story etc.) and building a more arcade like game which reassembled just a portion of the AAA title BUT in a UNIQUE and fun way.


We will see the big studios going to be "unfair" against those indies just doing that. They are already doing it to some degree by developing mobile versions. But the combination of being able to reuse much larger parts and customers willing to pay much more - I can't imagine any studio not going after this.


It is just a question of the risks. As the Wii U base is steadily growing it is not only a question of time when such titles get released. I wouldn't be surprised if studios already working on those titles to be ready mid next year...