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Ka-pi96 said:

Because it's cheaper to develop for Wii U? Nope, cheaper to develop for PC and then it's a fairly easy port to PS/Xbox from there. So that's wrong.

If you can sell 1 million on PS, 1 million on Xbox and 1 million on PC with not so stellar costs - you have made three times as much money!

There are indies making their living being exclusive to every console out there. Even the Ouya had some exclusive indie games, so that proves nothing.

Oh and BTW, those publishers would have sold even less on Wii and would have closed much sooner...

Oh sure. That "alien" Wii U hardware is so different from a - lets say 360 or a PC - that those extra costs far outweight the costs of creating everything for much powerful GPUs in 2-4 times of the model/texture resolution...

Bayonetta 1 must have been a real money maker on the PS3 utilizing those SPUs and using cheap state-of-the-art graphics when being developed...

Titles like Lego Batman 3, Planes Fire & Rescue, Just Dance, One Voice, PacMan Ghostly Adventure, Transformers Rise of Dark - just to name a few - those must be made by complete nuts not knowing that they will loose money by releasing them on the Wii U.

I have the strong feeling that those publishers and developers have some "secret sauce".


And nothing - nothing - hinders other developers to drench their ideas with that "secret sauce" and deliver a tasty unique blend on the Wii U.