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Ka-pi96 said:

You just don't get it do you?

3rd parties aren't going to make Wii U exclusives instead of multiplats because then they wouldn't make any money. The money is made by releasing multiplatform games NOT exclusives. Look at the top 3rd party games, they can sell over 10 million copies on just PS/Xbox combined. PC digital sales are probably really good as well. The Wii U hasn't even sold that many consoles!

You just don't get it that making money is the difference of sales and investment?

If you can sell 1 Mio. copies of an Wii U exclusive and having not so stellar costs - you have made money.

Its that easy.

And guess what - it works. There are indies making their lives being Wii U exclusive.

It works at larger scale too. Just don't expect those AAA titles with hit-or-die budgets. 

Oh BTW: many publisher did close their doors because of those budgets and not selling as expected on PS3 / 360...