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Right now, yes, sales of Ikaruga are about 1/5 of users. Sales were about 9,500 first day + 3,500 or so thus far, today.

So we're looking at *around* 20,000 for the first 3 days, if not a bit more. It's at 12,500+ now, with 1 and 1/2 days till I compile my numbers. Either way, it's already beat out the second fastest selling game of the year, N+ 50% quicker. However, the legs (on a first weekend to first month) basis might be horrid, if Triggerheart Exelica was any indication.

However, since Ikaruga *does* have about 20% of it's users from Japan, it means that the game is being purchased solidly outside of Japan, allowing for bigger sales. Anything over 10% tends to hamper sales eventually. Over 25% is where it starts to hurt (Triggerheart Exelica was 40%+ after 10 days on market. Ouch)

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.