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Blob said:
bigtakilla said:

There is a chance, there is talks from Katsuhiro Harada as we speak to see if it there is any demand for the remake.

As for the Wii U, it also states that he would love to get the original creators (Monolith Soft) to make the game.

"Xeno! We have the rights and we could outsource it, so it’s not like it’s stuck, but if there was a remake I’d want the original staff to work on it."

So it's pretty obvious they'd at least like Monolith to work on it, so a Wii U version isn't only possible, it's likely.

Well monolith cant make it for any console other than wii u. Problem is I dont know if it would be monetarily viable. I dont think it would sell very well even on ps4...

It's hard to argue it would be a tough sell, being there isn't even a lot of people voting on this thread. It's the same reason I don't think there will be an XBone version. Who would buy a game that obviously looks inferior to what else is available this gen for a game in a series they probably don't know (as most people have never played it). Waste of time and resources if you ask me. Even if they remaster this game to 1080p 60fps it will look inferior to Xenoblade Chronicles X, which is all but assured to be 720p and 30fps. Add on the fact that the story is all over the place due to the series being cut short and they really should look where it will sell. 

Where we disagree is the Wii U, the Xeno series is one of the best series to hit a Nintendo platform ever. I think it would sell not only as good as any other platforms, but potentially the best on Wii U.