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Azzanation said:

I find it funny that a entertainment business that is designed to entertain us, and all people care about is which one outsells each other. Should I care which balloons I should buy at a milk bar because its for my personal use, knowing which ones sell well really makes the difference. All consoles have there ups and downs and one will have better years then others, honestly why has it grown into a debate that turns entertainment into school yard punch ups. Iv said this many times on forums, that my favourite consoles ever made were the N64 and GameCube, which all sold incredibly low compared to its competition and I owned the competition aswell.

Just like 1080p and 60 frames, Console Sales have turned gaming into a dark unentertaining industry. I would hate to go to school these days and owning a console that is selling far less then the opposition because people take it way to far. Greater sales don't lead to greater games, or future DLCs or 3rd party games. Money makes all that happen which is why we are seeing a console which is selling the least but has more AAA games releasing plus future 3rd party timed exclusives aswell. Sales didn't make that happen, deep pockets do.

What are you talking about? Console wars have always been like this. I remember owning a Megadrive (Genesis if you're North American) and going to school with me and my friends poking fun at the one or two guys who owned a SNES. I was on the receiving end of that "fun poking" when I bought a Saturn instead of a Playstation.

It's not the industry that's changed (although there are more people into gaming these days), it's the way that we interact with one another. The internet allows speed of light communication with anyone anywhere in the world. Instead of debating which console is best between five or six of our school friends in the playground as we did in the Sega/Nintendo days, we're discussing it with hundreds, maybe even thousands of people who hide behind avatars and think that gives them the right to be a smart ass or unnecessarily nasty to someone who has bought a different gaming platform to themselves.

It's the internets fault, not the gaming industy's.