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* in the USA.

Seriously MS is pulling out all the stops to win in the USA, meanwhile everywhere else PS4 is marching on and will outsell Xb one by huge margins in *almost* all other markets. And there's no guarantee Xb one will come out on top in the USA. What Xb one winning in the USA, by a small margin may do is prevent PS4 selling 2:1 globally. But the margin will still be massive. And I think PS4 is still a good change for >2:1 globally even with a Xb one win in the USA. The margins in all those other markets are so big.

Xb one needs the USA so it will spend big in the USA. PS4 can give a little ground in the USA and it won't hurt a bit because it has the rest of the world. MS is lucky Sony doesn't have pots of cash to throw at the USA, because if they did Sony would potentially be in a position to really bury the Xbox brand and run MS out of the console town, as it were.

The $800 million loss was all a write down, not a revenue loss, so Sony's cashflow position is OK, albeit not flush. Sony's still got problems to deal with, and I think it doesn't want to gave to give up yet another consumer electronics product so soon after having to drop PC and spin off TV. They might give it another year or so and it'll be interesting to see what they can do with that time.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix