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Let me start and please number your stuff as you go :)


a) Unless it's REALLY AWESOME, please don't post it.

b) No video game consoles, although games, accessories and gaming rigs are fine.

c) you HAVE TO NUMBER your entries i.e the post after mine would be 5.

d) You can make a comment of appreciation or second the awesomeness of a post, but please keep it brief as this is a helpful thread and we want it to be easy to come in and check out the gifts from 1-1000


1. A fairly sweet looking, decent quality 47 inch LG TV for $479 with a $200 gift card back. Yes, that makes the TV, in essence, $279.

Want something smaller?

2. A nice little 32 inch Samsung TV set for $217.99 with A $125 gift card, effectively making the TV......almost for nothing.

3. Awesome Nikon COOLPIX L830 Camera for $197.

4. SUPER SMASH BROTHERS FOR WII U for $59.99 with a $25 gift card back. Yep, you read that right.