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selnor said:
DMeisterJ said:
rocketpig said:
ChronotriggerJM said:
PS3 version ^^ Free online play :) And I prefer the PS3's D-pad for cheat entry ;)

Anyone with a brain prefers pretty much anything short of terminal cancer over the 360 d-pad.

Is the 360's D-pad really that bad?

I really hadn't noticed. But I also hadn't noticed how horrible placed the Analog sticks are on the DS.

I guess I adapt to things better than others, I like most, if not all controllers. The only one I've hated was the Original XBOX controller. Lawl... DUKE.

 People still use the D-Pad?(scratches head). Havent used one since snes. Also DS has analog sticks? new to me. 


Lots of games use the d-pad for commands, not necessarily movement.  DS=Dual Shock