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Such brave big worlds...with nothing in it(them).

No point in making large worlds if you're going to be repeating a lot of the stuff, have the same bland environment go on with nothing interesting(environmental standouts), or have nothing to do in them.

That's my current problem with FF15. Looks good(although I'm not sure if that's what we'll actually end up getting on PS4), but the environments look like the blandest stuff(albeit pretty) I've ever seen outside of the main city. Remove the characters and enemies and I could never tell you which game it was from, as it looks like all other fantasy games I've ever seen, especially since it's more close to realistic.

I need to see more of Xenoblade's environments, and of course of FF15, but both environments look pretty bleh so far. So I'd opt for both to give me more interesting and varied locales in their worlds and stuff to do, rather than having large worlds for the sake of having large worlds, just to be an e-peen bullet point.

Also from the looks of the newest trailer, X will have fast travel, or so it seemed, is it confirmed FF15 will have this too?

As for the character models for X. They don't look good. But I find FF15's character models to look like Real Dolls, so I guess that's an improvement? Type in Real Doll Japan in google. But both look pretty freakish to me overall, but on a whole I don't think anime art style works well when you go realistic.

As for design, FF15 characters just look Jpop stars or a boy band, and that's a bit of a turn off tbh(not very hero-like hard to explain), unless they switch it up and make them all gay. Since you know, it's several well dressed, very attractive men talking a road trip together, with no women involved....