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CosmicSex said:

You are right, the L-Engine will definitly require more resources, and those resources can be viewed as constraints. Monolith Soft's game will require less resources but has less resources to begin with (as in hardware) and that is a purly a technical constraint.  We may wind up with a situation where the scope of both games are (in terms of size) are very similar... which goes back to the OP :)

Yes, this is true, but as I said Luminous is a resource hog and Squeenix is going for the "wow" factor in graphics fullstop. (They've kind of pigeonholed themselves into this with all their promotions and aggrandizing of their engine.)

Xenoblade has never been a title for looks, wasn't even good looking for a Wii game; they don't have to nor will they waste resources on high image fidelity. They're not going to slap on the works on the title because, in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't really come as a selling point of the series nor is it much of a strength of the WiiU in and of itself. It will have good enough textures, lighting, and fidelity but the work isn't going into that as can obviously be told by the terrifying character models. :P

Those with humble begins have humble expectations, as the saying goes.