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Vena said:

%s mean nothing in programming and game development.

And after eight? years in development, I'd hope it'd look impressive in a limited hype-fueled showing. :P

The engine affects the demand of the game on the system on which it runs. It affects RAM demand, bandwidth and channel bottlenecks, etc.


Well I for one felt the hype :)... and also for X... but I'm a sucker for JRPGs

About the engine:

That however goes back to some preveious comments were people were saying the PS4X1 would have an advantage.  Think about it this way:

You are right, the L-Engine will definitly require more resources, and those resources can be viewed as constraints. Monolith Soft's game will require less resources but has less resources to begin with (as in hardware) and that is a purly a technical constraint.  We may wind up with a situation where the scope of both games are (in terms of size) are very similar... which goes back to the OP :)