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CosmicSex said:

You make very compelling points but you aren't accounting for things like data compression and the consoles HDD.   Still very valid points.  Money is always a factor and more assets and detail are more expensive.  At the end of the day, I would love to know how much FF15 cost to produce... over the course of nearly a decade of development mind you. 

They're not going to launch the game with a multi-gig day 1 patch, money is the limiter here not disc space. The development of FFXV is likely on astronomical, irredeamable levels at this point in terms of budgets and whatever has been made by now is probably near the total of what we'll see in a year or two from now. The Luminous engine is a resource hog on top of it all.

Also X won't reach the 50GB limit of the bluray sans some sort of gameworld to shame minecraft in size. The textures and models will not be nearly high quality enough to really eat into that nor will any other assets and unless the world maps are Skyrims stappled together in every direction, the Nintendo compression wizardry is not going to run into space problems for a single disc.