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I think the larger world will belong to the game whose designers prioritized the size of their world over other aspects. I don't think FFXV will have a larger world just because it's on more powerful hardware.

SE already said they expect the main story of XV to take 40 hours to complete. Xenoblade's main story takes 2.5 times that long.

Having more content doesn't automatically make a game better. There's nothing wrong with a 40-hour RPG (obviously more with sidequests). The Last Story only takes about 20 hours to complete, and lots of Wii owners loved it.

Monolith Soft are aiming for an enormous game world with a massive amount of content. However, it's entirely possible that Xenoblade X will also have a 40-hour main stroy, with loads of optional content. We don't know enough about either of these games yet to make a conclusive judgement, but my impression is that SE and Monolith Soft don't have the same design philosophies or goals with their projects, which will lead to Monolith Soft's game being "larger."


ClassicGamingWizzz said:
i prefer a smaller world and more detailed then a huge world that is ugly with garbage textures and almost no AA.

You don't have any thoughts on game design? The deciding factor in your preference is texture quality and anti-aliasing? The size of the game world opens up all kinds of interesting discussions about level design, it would be a shame to dismiss them all and simply choose the smaller world just because it can be more detailed. XV could be made even smaller and better-looking, you know.