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Honestly, the Bayo 2 numbers are much better than expected. It outsold Pikmin 3 and DKC: TF FW US and is just barely under Hyrule Warrior's FW US, which is good news. Also, for comparison: according to VGC data, Bayo 2 outsold each individual version of Bayo 1 in the US FW, though is under both versions of Bayo 1 combined. Bayo 2 at 121,752, Bayo 360 at 91,688, and Bayo PS3 at 53,049. Europe may be marginally weaker for Bayo 2 unless France sales are absurdly high, but I kinda doubt that.

Of course, that doesn't matter at all if Bayo 2 doesn't pull through with legs. It might have some in the US given the extremely positive word of mouth over here, but definitely not in Europe/Japan. Sticking with my 750k LT prediction for now.

NNID: TheCCluc