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curl-6 said:
KLAMarine said:
JoeAncelotti said:

Hmm that's sad to hear, maybe they do dissapoint some people. But in my eyes they seem to strive for some of the best quality games out there. RDR, LA Noire, MP3, GTA V ... just to name the most recent. 

I can still recall the moment when I realized that something was wrong with GTA V: the moment that I got a 'mission passed' screen from simply purchasing a mask. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. That's when I realized much of the game is little more than glorified button prompts. Missions that told me where to drive to on a map so that I could listen to the guy riding shotgun yammer story in my ear. After that I'd sit and watch a cutscene and then wait for a guy to tell me when to fire my sniper rifle while he continued to yammer story in my ear. The whole torture sequence in one of the missions, that had scant gameplay in it. It was just button prompts, what challenge exists there? Little to none. The torture sequence was put there for the sake of getting some controversy and controversy helps sell a game. Considering the lengths Rockstar will go to sell their game (benches, billboards, sides of buses, faces of buildings), I wouldn't doubt it. It was marketing, not good game design philosophy that decided on that mission.

GTA 5 is great from a technical level and this upgrade to 1080p will surely impress many but from a game design perspective, it's still horribly uninspired. I need to go play San Andreas again to see if perhaps this is just me growing jaded or if indeed GTA is becoming just a means to an end: Rockstar's bank account.

Yeah, I'm not a fan either.

To be honest, GTA has never really impressed me, it's always struck me as more of a glorified "run over civilians and murder prostitutes" simulator than any kind of well constructed gameplay experience, but what little I've played of GTA5 slid under the already low bar I had for it, presenting me with some of the most unlikeable, unrelatable, despicable protagonists I've ever had the displeasure of playing as.

Missions were boring, and goofing around was mildly distracting for about 15 minutes before losing all appeal.

I can definitely understand what you mean. Maybe I'm just too big of a fan 😊. I spent like 1200 hours on the game between sept 2013 and sept 2014. After that I bought an Xbox One and it kind of stopt.

Add me on Xbox: DWTKarma