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I've been playing it since it came out, yet only for half an hour to an hour at a time. Maybe Civ is just not that addictive to me anymore. It's not like Alpha Centauri, you don't get to design your own units. (You only get to make minor adjustments to their stats by leveling up) It's mostly civ with different graphics and aggressive overpowered barbarians aka aliens. (Man those aliens hate trade vessels)

It does have some nice differences in the form of quests, or rather questions. You get lots of little choices to give certain buildings small modifiers, extra food, energy (gold), production or culture. There are a lot of buildings btw, takes forever to build them all. You have the 3 affinity levels, harmony, purity, supremacy, which determine the end course of your game and how others respond to you. Diplomacy is all the same, unreasonable demands and all. City states are replaced with outposts you can trade with for a while. The tech tree, or rather circle, has some nice extrapolations from our current tech. Nothing really exotic though. Wonders are lacking.

It's nice, not revolutionary. Feels like a big mod.