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curl-6 said:
Nuvendil said:
You can't just assume without evidence that Borderlands has underperformed due to art direction; you would need proof.

Same goes for you assuming it hasn't impacted its sales negatively.

Well if you're going to play that game, we may as well take the YouTube comments style and shout obscenities at each other for all the good it will do.  All that we know is that the games are multimillion sellers with the art direction they have; that is what I put forward and that is not an assumption, that is a fact.  And asking me to prove he nonexistence of potential buyers put off by one specific element of a game is silly. 

However, I would like to point out that Wind Waker sits at the 6th best selling Zelda game spot while Majora's Mask is at 11th.  And a bit above Wind Waker is Phantom Hourglass, a spinoff with that same style.  It's not all about art direction, there are other forces at play.  You can't just take the numbers in a vacuum.