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jlmurph2 said:
steverhcp02 said:

binary solo said:

It's more that there is a 7 placing gap between Xb one and PS4 at the moment and PS4 is back in the top 20. Pretty sure Xb one was within about 2 or 3 placings at one stage, which was when PS4 was at about position 22 or 23.

What do the hourlies measure? if SO bundle has been sold out for several hours now shouldn't it be gone from the top 100 by now? Or is the hourly best seller list showing sales over a longer time scale than just a moving window of the last few hours? Is it a 24 hr moving window, 48 hr, longer? At least with monthly you know the exact timescale of the sales. I hope the thread will switch to the monhtly list when that finally comes up for November as that gives us a better medium term indication of relative sales. For imstance it will give us a more true indication of the performance of the SO bundle. The bundle burns bright, but it also burns short. So once we get the monthly data coming through it'll be interesting to see its position relative to the CoD and Ass Creed bundles over that longer timescale. And SO bundle relative to PS4, which sells lower on an hourly basis, but as it sells all day every day the cumulative effect should put PS4 ahead of the SO bundle. I expect its limited numbers should mean vanilla Xb one will be ahead of the SO bundle towards the later half of the month.

Ha, didn't notice the price. That'll do it.

You have pretty much summed up and explained what most rational posters have been trying to explain for days. The SO bundle has literally 3 units avilable from a 3rd part seller at the time of my post going for almost $100 above retail value yet it is still "in the top 40"

People seem to think this is a real time sales per hour of the quantity for an entire year condensed to an average of each hour....constantly flowing. The daily updates for the year so far of 2014 have shown us that the Xbox One SKU at 98 has not even sold enough during this spike to even move from 98th position for the year ahead of Command and Conquer Ulimate Edition that is nearly 3 years old.....not aggregate sales but just in 2014.

Movement on the 2014 yearly sellers list will point toward sustained and substantial sales whereas this revolving hourly door does absolutely nothing to project sales. But in an age where many feel compelled to tweet about what ingredients they are puttig in their salad for lunch and people then feel compelled to validate those ingredients with immediate approval we find ourselves in this predicament.

The 2014 list hasn't updated for 3 days

How do you know?