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starcraft said:
eva01beserk said:

if it is a television marketing gimmick, then why are they trying to pleased them with the tandard they have set? why not come out and say its still full hd even if others dont agree? 

If it is a gimick, is a set gimmick and that is the standard we have to follow and the x1 does not meet it.


Progress maybe? Standards are set by technology and devs. If those standards aren't met and sustained as the low barrier then instead of maintaining progress so that we can push forward we end up going backwards. That's the difference between Indies and AAA. Indies have the freedom to experiment with theoretical/philosophical boundaries at the expense of physical/technological ones. AAA's are AAA's because they have the budget and man power/skill to maintain those standards in theoretical/philosophical(to a much lesser extent experimentally) + psychical/technological and then push forward. Now there is no doubt that PC is king when it comes to progress both physical/technological and theoretical/philosophical. However it's progress is so good that it has a hard time feeding itself. Hardware is always getting better quickly which makes hardware cost expensive. That has a serious impact on software sales. That's why steam always has great deals and other services practically give away games. They have to otherwise people continue to lose incentive to buy which also explains why the piracy rate is so high

Console is great because it reaps benefits of all the progress PC makes and they wrap it up in an affordable and easy to use package that is intended to set and meet the minimum standard to keep incentive and craving to buy. Much like mobile does now i'ts meant to keep cost down and revenue high so that it feeds the beast that is progress. It's no surprise that as the heavy hitting AAA's continue to miss/fall under the minimal quality standards already set and fail to increase the progress of those standards that piracy on console increases. The more AAA devs fail to maintain those standards that harder it is to justify the cost of the game to the consumer. This leaves them with few options. They could either pirate the game(which increased difficulty to do on console slows but doesn't stop the bleeding) or more likely for the average honest gamer is instead purchase those cheap indie games. Tho they fail to push the bounds physically/technologically they succeeds in pushing the bounds in game theory/philosophy. That added to the much cheaper price tag makes them all the more appealing then those high-cost AAA's especially when the AAA's continually fail to meet standards previously set.

In short heavy hitting Console AAA's are the life blood of the gaming industry. They set the standard and keep incentive/desire to buy games in pace which feeds the progress PC makes. Without those standards progress isn't made and worse if standards aren't met then we start to go backwards and people lose incentive/desire to justify the cost so they switch to cheaper alternatives or simply resort to all out theft. This slows and stalls progress which leads to standards and quality being dropped even more. It starves the beast and before ya know it the rate at which devs cannibalize each other or die increases which poisons the beast that is the industry which leaves it in the same condition Atari was in with E.T. which will lead to a big crash and possibly the death of the industry. Luckily Nintendo was there to push the standards in all the fields of progress like an adrenalin shot that got the public buying again. Who will save the industry this time? Mobile?

So we NEED to meet those standards because if we don't progress stops, the beast starves and the industry crashes/dies.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)