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I'm very much in love with zombi movies, and have seen a lot of them, but clearly, that's the weakness of the genre. It's hard to believe we would lose. Just a wall is enough to stop them.

"Dawn of the Dead" explore indecisiveness and individualism as the main factor for failure. People arguing endlessly, people protecting their family, cops fleeing, slow reaction. It's quite realistic. I mean, so much of the current problems could be solved if the politics just did something. Most movies are just about "let's shoot them all". But when do you decide to kill your own people when you don't know if there is a cure, if it's temporary. When someone get the highly contagious and dangerous ebola, do we just kill him and burn him, or do we make tremendous effort to cure him ? If New Yord felt in a matter of days, would we just nuke the place ?
"The Dead" is quite good to make a defeat believable in Africa. Spare resources (to be used locally), bad infrastructures, nowhere to get a refuge.