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Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

This humbled crap is making me sick. Yah, MS has some good holiday deals, but it seems some people are forgetting the company consumer relationship. Even if its a joke by some its really terrible. This goes for both sides since I've seen the PS nation thread with this headline as well. Its fine to appreciate the effort and even be flattered by it, but be humbled because of a price cut, a move like all others, intended to separate you from your money? No, company provide goods and services to us not the other way around, being humbled by it is honestly taking reverence of a company/brand/product to religious fanatic levels.
OT: Agree with Intrinsic, Sony countered TitanFall and took that NPD, if they counter November, then its anyone's game. Every single time, XB1 is predicted to outsell the PS4 it is assumed that the PS4 is doing nothing, literally selling zero units in some cases. Also this fake rhetoric about Sony not being able to take the loss is silly. Sony took losses for years with the PS3, a 2 month price cut isn't going to cost them as much, especially if it build user base significantly.
Realistically, if Sony doesn't do anything, which is likely at this point, since its Nov, then XB1 would win but I doubt by any larger than the gap, which is like a 1mill in the US. And if its closer than 1mil the gap grows.

Like a rubber band snap to the eye you have woken me and cleard the smoke from my vision. I am humbled by your honesty, candor, and for bestowing rightious clarity. Seriously tho I agree with you assessment. The holidays will be tight and if Amazon is any indication then Xb1 might just close the gap. As far as sony goes at the end of the day its like rocky/boxing. The amount of damage you can do doesn't matter as much as the amount of damage you can take and keep on going. Sony may have been beat in the past but they had a training montage and are ready to take the title back this gen. Just like next gen I have no doubt that MS will have learned from it's mistakes and have a training montage and take it back. or maybe Nintendo will.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)