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Intrinsic said:

"The entire Picture". This little thing that you and a few others seem to insist on doing here is what completely derails this argument. 


Exactly, the entire picture includes every single facet pf a platform, that's generally what is called a "break down" or "analaysis", it then gives people an informed, informational overview of all the platforms competing for your dollar and thus all the pro's and con's that go with them.

Again, you haven't done any of that, just "what-if" scenario's.

Intrinsic said:
There is no cost issue. There is how a game runs on one platform as opposed to another. Ok. Let us take consoles outta the equation if that makes you feel better.

You are *still* missing the point.

Intrinsic said:
  • can you tell me which sub $200 PC GPU runs BF4 teh best on PC assuming RAM and CPU are identical in your tests?
  • Then can you tell me which sub $500 GPU runs the game best?
I am guessing to do this test, you will not put a $1500 GPU in your hardware test bed. Cause its not in the same class of a sub $200 or sub $500 GPU.


But the Playstation 4 is neither, $200 or $500.
You also have zero idea of the rest of the platform costs or the component costs inside the Playstation 4.

This is *why* a cost analysis needs to be performed, you are hell bent on comparing firstly by cost and then by performance, which both aspects fall on each other with a PC. - It's insane.

Intrinsic said:
Its not that hard... LOOK, other people have done similar stuff!!!! So I am not crazy after all, cause this table shows theer is a right way to measure game performance. Do you see them mentioning price when talking about performance?
If you look at the chart above you wil see that a PS4 is almost identical to a HD 7850. So why would any PC gamer feel the need to compare a game running on a HD7850 to it running on an R9 290x? Its not like the HD7850 or its equivalent just seized to exist. That is the point of this entire thread.

*Sigh* Because it's not as black and white as you think it is.

For starters... Since that "benchmark" was posted (If you can call it that.) drivers would have improved the performance of the Radeon 7850.
You also have the ability to overclock a Radeon 7850 beyond the level of a Playstation 4.
You also have choice with that particular card, where-as you are dictated to how you play games on a console.
For example on the Playstation 4 you had no choice but to run Battlefield 4 at high-quality settings and 900P with 60fps.
On the PC however with a Radeon 7850 you can run it with Ultra-quality settings, 1080P and 30fps if you so desired, probably push up to 40-50fps with overclocking thrown in.

Lets not forget a Radeon 7850 is *cheap* now because it's 3 years old.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--