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kowenicki said:
Hiku said:
Seece said:
Robbie2010 said:
You realize spots on list do not correspond to a ratio in sales right?

You realise basic math right? If #8 and #9 are selling more than #16, it's at minimum 2:1.

Throw in SO above that sku as well, and 2 more bundles ahead of the Destiny bundle.

You sure about that being an absolute? What if the sales are like this:

#8 6000
#9 5800
#10 5700
#11 5600
#12 5500
#13 5400
#14 5300
#15 5200
#16 5000

Just an example. Doesn't have to be that close. But unless I'm missing something, it doesn't neccesarily represent ratio.


you too?

in your example

8 + 9 = 11,800

16 = 5000

thats more than 2:1.  It HAS to be at least 2:1,

this is insane

and what if u pick 16 17 18? lol

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