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Sharpryno said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

Oh, please stop the bullshit about getting on PC just because its 900p.

Those of you who were planning to get it on XB1, will get it on XB1 because you knew prior that the XB1 would probably have the lower resolution. This is basically established fact at this point so there is no point in acting suprised, just deal with it. 

This can't see it defense is also the oldest most worn out defense ever at this point, buy some goddamned glasses if you can't see the difference, once again stop pretending that you can't see the difference because that has nothing to do with you actually buying the game. You only say you can't see the difference to discredit the advantage of the PS4 version, you weren't gonna buy the PS4 version regardless of its advantages.

That gets said because PS4 fanboys use it to gloat.  Sure there is some difference but it is so insignificant.  People who brag about it are simply ignorant. 

An last generation cycle?

its the same thing over and over, certain PR person on both consoles said

things last cycle and both sides were mocked, this ..we are the ones mainly getting picked on, is pure bunk! all three get picked on. Last cycle it was every thing to point out the cheapest console was designed better with the better design. and how multiplats ran not only better but how the PS3 under performed and underdelivered on all fonts that is still going on about how not only is PSN underdelivering and over promise, but its being stated about Sonys games also. and this " i own the ps4 and it sucks vs the xbox1 number of exclusives" statements about how the PS4 is selling based only on hype because xboxone has the better line up always excludes Free 2 Play games when taking into account game archives for both platforms. but some how some way TitanFall counts but War Thunder does not.

LMAO..its pure Social Engineering trying to steer people to the xboxone, now nothing wrong with that but playing the "were getting picked on card" right now is a bit ironic


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.