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dane007 said:
WebMasterFlex said:

You are too much an AC's VIP to admit that game is ugly. GTA V destroyed it.

The e-thomaz screenshots are ugly. That's a fact...

lol nah. i actually got bored if AC black flag. i still haven't finished . i have only played all of the AC up to the civil war one. haven't played ac one on the vita .  I can bet that  the graphics of GTA will just a sharper ps3 or xbox 360 like TLOU wa s a sharper ps3 version. it won't look next gen at all.  the pics make not look good, howwever its not the final reprsentation of the game when it comes out. As i have said no one knows how old the build is for these pics. 

You just seem to be saying a whole lot of nothing.

Those pics are from the retail copy of the game running on the PS4. from someone that got a copy earlier than everyone else. Its not a demo build or an alpha build. its a RETAIL build on a RETAIL disc.

Yes, the game may/will look better in motion. Yes, the pics may not have been properly taken. But to say there isn't an obvious difference between it and what they have been showing in their press releases is to be practicing denial of a magnitude I would probably never comprehend.

The problem is, that this seems to have become a very common ubisoft trend.