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kowenicki said:
colafitte said:

PS4, because...

- It will absorbe a huge bunch of the gaming community that won't buy a WiiU or Xbox One, but bought a Wii and/or X360 back then.
- 8 gen still had to fight with 7 gen systems in 2014, anywhere close to what 7 gen had to battle in 2007 with 6th gen systems, and still PS4 sold the same or more than Wii in its first year.
- Most games right now are cross-gen, so most people still didn't have a real reason to jump in the next gen, but they'll have in 2015 and 2016.
- Because 2014 has been one of the worst years in gaming quality in my opinion, but it will be followed by one of their best
- and last but not least, because PS4 has been proving naysayers everytime they're wrong, because suddenly, the company that manufactured 160m consoles with ps2, now can't produce 20-25 mill in a year with ps4....pssst.

what was the highest ever PS2 shipment year?

you wont know.

so I'll tell you.  22.5m

I knew perfectly, thanks to you for sound like a smartass....

That proves what??, that if Sony produced 22'5 in 02-03, a number that was way higher than anything seen before. Why Sony can't surpass that number when with PS4 has already did it comparing to PS2 launch numbers??? 

This proves my point more than it prove yours