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FaRmLaNd said:
Business decisions aren't made out of spite. Sony will let the next xbox have BR built in.

It's not spite, it's money. If MS is there biggest threat next generation, you bet your ass they will do one of two things. Fight it being in there, or charge enough money for the license to put games on the disks, and make up the profit.

My guess is they will want something in the range of what MS would make off of each game, and MS will not go for that.

As for the anti-trust, so far Sony has not licensed BD to any companies for the purpose of distributing games. Keeping MS from doing the same thing is not any different.

I am not saying this is how it's going to go down, I am just sating it's not a 100% given that the next xbox will have a Blu-ray drive in it.