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binary solo said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

I understand how Metacritic works and I understand the meaning of objective. 

Your presentation of these numbers may be objective, but the numbers per se are not. They are the collected works of human beings, all carrying their own preferences, priorities, hang-ups, and biases. Yes, by virtue of their proximity to the industry and their experience with games, they are given deference. But in no way does a 95 on Metacritic, for example, make a game great. It signals that the average weighted score from critics was 95, it signals overwhelming critical approval, but it doesn't signify greatness. 

And if we follow your line of thought to its logical conclusion, which I did in my original post, then why bother debating the quality of games? How can I argue that game A is better than game B, if Metacritic, which, as you say, is "objective evidence," says otherwise?

If you truly feel that PS4 is being unfairly criticized, then I encourage you to play its games, play its competitors' games, and write a detailed, thoughtful essay on why you personally believe that PS4 has an excellent library of games. It would be a lot more meaningful coming from you, based on your own analysis, written in your own words. Simply copying and pasting an aggregate of others' opinions does the whole topic a disservice.

But what you've done isn't follow my line of thought to its logical conclusion. The logical conclusion from my OP is that statements from fans of consoles other than PS4 that PS4 has a rubbish game library and has nothing to compete with this holidays has no basis in any objective fact. My OP does not in any way imply that debating the merits of any individual game, or the comparitive merits of any 2 games, between individuals, or among a community of individuals is pointless.

I don't say metacritic is objective evidence of a game's inherent quality. You need to read what I actualy write before you make comments about what I'm saying.

It sounds like you're backtracking. You've written that "[metascore] is objective evidence that PS4 has a more than sufficient library of good quality games and it is comparable to the other new gen consoles." Since that library is made up of individual games, doesn't your statement indicate that Metacritic is objective evidence of a game's inherent quality? If not, why did you trot out all those +90 games and +80 games? Wasn't it to prove, objectively, that, according to Metacritic, PS4 had many quality games, stipulated by high numerical values?