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binary solo said:
Seece said:
I'm saying never in the history of VGC have people used this as an excuse. 300k on shelves is LOW, trust me, back in the day 1m would be the norm.

Back in the day no console was selling 35-40K per week. 1 million was about 6-8 weeks of supply back in the day. For Wii U, during the previous quarter 1 million would be over 20 week's supply possibly as much as 25 weeks. Who the hell is going to forward order 20 week's supply when the console has been selling like crap for coming up to 2 years? 300K in the retail channel for Wii U is plentiful supply. By contrast Xb one's most recent 8 weeks has seen ~980K sales. So for Xb one to have 1.3 million in the retail channels is about 11 weeks supply based on the last 8 weeks.  11 week's suply is a tad on the high side, but considering the weeks we're heading in to I'm guessing Xb one will burn through that sort of number in 8 weeks or less.

We're going into the holidays remember.