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theprof00 said:
Im confused.
so is the argument against 150$ price difference the fact that a price drop can only refer to instances in which nothing other than the simple price is cut?

Thats perfectly reasonable. However I think the context is very important. When people are us in the word price cut in the context of 150$ drop, they are referring to the idea that the xb1 is in dire straits. Ie; Microsoft has made the entry point for the xb1 console 150$ lower, because, economically speaking, there isnt enough value in the kinect bundle to sell as many consoles as they would like. So they've increased the value by removing things consumers thought was unnecessary.

Maybe im being unreasonable but barring a better word for it, I think it should be perfectly acceptable to call that a price cut. Otherwise they'd have to write that whole paragraph every time. Sometimes "buzzwords" dont fit perfectly but become widely adopted in a different usage because the leap isnt distant enough to confuse anyone.

Its like saying something is full of win. Theres no specific definition for it, but if you said it to someone for the first time, it would be reasonably associated to what is meant, because although it doesn't fit the actual meaning, its close enough.

Source: over a dozen courses in psychology of language and linguistics.

It's a different sku, not a price cut. That's all you have to reference, they are still selling the 499  Kinect bundle or now with a 50 dollar price cut. So people are still buying this bundle. So no it is not a price cut, it's different sku.

So the proper term here is 'introduced alternative option with lowered cost of entry and removed features that were deemed unnecessary in order to stimulate sales and accommodate lack of sufficient consumer interest in previous price of entry and featureset'? O.O Doesn't that still stem from lack of sufficient consumer interest?

Zanten, Doer Of The Things

Unless He Forgets In Which Case Zanten, Forgetter Of The Things

Or He Procrascinates, In Which Case Zanten, Doer Of The Things Later

Or It Involves Moving Furniture, in Which Case Zanten, F*** You.