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KLAMarine said:
BraLoD said:

If there was to be one Game of the Generation, it would go, without a single doubt, to The Last of Us, as it was the most critically acclamed game of the generation, and possibly in the history of gaming.

1) No.

2) And as far as gameplay goes, it was flawed: the enemy AI and ally AI was perhaps the biggest issue for me. I agree with you though that the story's very good. Not perfect but very good and the opening sequence was very well done.

1) i got two things to say about this and that page:

first of all The Last of Us was reviewed and praised by OVER 200 critics, (of magazines, websites etc) and yet on that page there only 43 reviews for it, were is the rest? also Super Mario Galaxy was reviewed by 97 critics (which is a lot, and it really is the best mario game and imo one of the best games of ALL TIME) but did it got OVER 200 Near to perfect or Perfect Scores and Game of The Year Awards like TLOU?

I researched on Metacritic and i only found 73 reviewers for it, and imo TLOU isnt reviewed by 200 critics on Metacritic either but thankfully Naughty Dog let us know the actual amount of GOTYs that it recieved something that Nintendo didnt do for SMG, so its really hard without the actual information to argue which is the most aclaimed game of both.

The second thing that i have to say about this is that: that page you linked us (gamerankings) is a joke... come on if you are going to RANK games you must give them the same ammount of reviews for each game, it is unfair for a game to only have 28 reviews and then for another to have over 70, of course the one with less reviews is going to have an advantage in getting a more perfect score (i bet you that if all of those games were reviewed by 100 critics each, the list would change dramatically), i mean GTA IV, ARKHAM CITY, MASS EFFECT 2, SOUL CALIBUR better than The Last of US??? LOL COME ON SON!

Heck Uncharted 2 might be a great game but it isnt better than The Last of Us either....

2) that right there is an outright lie, if anything the AI in this game is some of the best out there, especially the enemy AI and how great and challenging it becomes with the higher difficulties (heck the clickers agro just by hearing you reload), i normally would try to understand someones point of view and respect it but in this case im sorry thats just not true.

i can assure you that  i myself had no problems with the AI and neither did BraLod and you know who else didnt had problems with the AI? the Over 200 critics that praised the game, and neither did the youtubers that reviewed the game (AngryJoe, ProJared etc), if the Enemy AI was really flawed it would have NEVER gotten over 200 GOTYs, it would have never gotten the ammount of perfect and near to perfect scores that it got from critics and it wouldnt be praised by so many gamers as it is right now, (after all FLAWED AI and GAMEPLAY is something that would break a game and make it not fun at all).

heck if anything the AI is some of the stuff that i have heard gotten praises for in the game, not just the enemy AI but ellie as well, for a lot of people she is possibly the best NPC-Companion ever made.

Im sure you are going to reply with some of you very heavily opinion based claims of how the AI and Gameplay are "Flawed", but you know what? i dont care because i played the game and i know for a fact that aint true, and all the critics, media and the overwhelming mayority of gamers seem to agree with me.