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Mr Puggsly said:

Here you go. He says 800p being used gave more resouces for visual polish. They didn't use those resources to increase FOV.

Maybe it was done for artistic reasons. Regardless, doing it allowed for more visual polish than could have been achieved at 1080p.

Hence, true 1080p would be a hit for graphics or performance.

He says they can do 4xmsaa instead of 1080p without aa with the resources freed up skipping 1920x280 pixels. AA is indeed directly tied to resolution. Plus he says it's more expensive than 1080p “to be clear, x800 with 4xMSAA needs more bandwidth than x1080 would, so 1080 no MS would be cheaper” Nothing is said about fov. But agreed, less pixels, more bandwidth for expensive AA.

Fov looks great on the screenshots floating around, definitely not a case of cropping the image.