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Why are people so dumfounded by the 360 this month?

This console has a limited appeal to any market other than core gamers.

More FPSs and driving games (as much as I love driving games) will not broaden the market for the X360. People constantly go on about how great a software line up the 360 has but unless you are a core gamer this is simply a falacy. The vast majority of the games are male orientated and are related to either cars or guns.

If people cannot see how limiting this is to the appeal of the 360 then they are not in touch with wider society.

What made the PS2 a more succesful console than the xbox was the broader appeal of it's games. The 360 is exactly the same as the Xbox1 in that it has nothing for the average gamer that the xbox did not. It's unreasonable to expect it to perform much better. The lucky thing for MS this generation is that Sony has screwed up so badly; but it appears that even that is not enough to increase 360 sales above 'meh' level.

BTW: I went out and bought FM2 this month, it's my favorite game so far for the 360. I love it but I appreciate that it's a minrority opinion.