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RolStoppable said:
Seece said:

MS selling more home consoles than Nintendo since the start of the century, after Nintendo release their best selling console by far. I would say it's no small feat.

But it is nothing special for two reasons:

1) Microsoft enjoyed tremendous third party support ever since they entered the console business while Nintendo had to get by with scraps during the same time period. Since the console business is very momentum-driven and built on the premise that software sells hardware, healthy third support makes it a lot easier for a console manufacturer to maintain sales at a high level. This makes Nintendo the underdog in this comparison, because the odds for success have been significantly stacked against them during the timeframe that applies for this comparison.

2) The third console manufacturer, Sony, has sold twice as many home consoles as Nintendo this century. That's a huge difference.

Considering that Sony and Microsoft are a lot more similar to each other than Microsoft and Nintendo, what this thread shows is not so much that Nintendo is doing badly, but rather that Microsoft is doing badly. They shouldn't be behind Nintendo, given that Sony is so far ahead.

Nintendo being ahead of Microsoft at this point of time, that is no small feat if the circumstances are taken into account (see: point 1). But from Microsoft's perspective, being on about the same level as Nintendo is embarrassing.

Sadly, all of this shows how low Nintendo consoles are trending in the 21st century. This was probably the main point of this thread. Hopefully they can make another console as exciting as Wii.